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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The desperation for a car is growing by the day.  We are back in the hospital.  Day two and it looks like they're going to send my poor baby home again.  I feel horrible, I'm missing TJ's very first big kid birthday party but I had to hitch a ride when I could get one.  if I had my own damn vehicle, I could've stayed  home and enjoyed his party and been able to get here if/when she called to say she had been admitted.  I desperately need a miracle.

What's more is I called Home Depot to check the status of my interview almost 3 weeks ago now & they STILL haven't decided who they're hiring.  They were SUPPOSED to have their decision last week before the holiday.  I guess the good new is I am in their top 3 and I hope the fact that I have called a multitude of times to check the status of the position shows that I am very interested and eager to work.

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